Get It

Connect Directly With Your Audience, Cut Out the Middle Man forges connections between people and organizations and looked to ZURB to help them make these connections more intuitive, accessible, and impactful.

Get It is a technology company that specializes in introductions. Get It connects millions of people and organizations to the individual people, products and opportunities they desire.’s mission is pretty simple to understand, “We link those who want to those who have.” Yes, is a platform that allows individuals and companies to not only share their products and services online, but engage in discussions, ask questions, and form communities. came to ZURB to get help with building this vibrant community aspect of their site while making some interface updates and optimizations along the way. connects millions of people to products on the site, but the value of the site extends far beyond merely making it easy for people to buy products. We explored the secondary and tertiary benefits companies experience by participating on the site and uncovered this Design Insight:

Even if the product isn’t listed on Get.It, fostering a place for users to have conversations around these products create a vibrant and engaged community.

Yes, these discussions that popped up on the site, help build small communities around products and brands that helped them reach new audiences and increase positive brand sentiment.

With this Design Insight in mind, we worked to consolidate the user flow to make it even easier for people to connect with brands and products they love and moved the forum features to more prominent areas of the site.

The end result is a page that unifies’s 600+ URLS into a single experience with a modern look and feel.

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