"I'm just not a creative person." Really?
You're not a creative person... So you wake up, mentally punch out for sixteen hours and then fall back asleep? You must be great at parties. I mean, I get why people say it because not everyone is encouraged on a daily basis to be a creative snowflake. But confidence issues aside, we all need to realize that everybody is creative.
Actually, creativity is tied to passion. It's the desire to exceed the humdrum, bare minimum requirements for whatever you put your mind to. As long as you have a passion for something then you'll think creatively. Creativity is looking for solutions to challenges, and we all know life is full of challenges.
So why is this important for us to realize? Because the world you see outside your window - that's right, look away from the monitor for a moment - contains more inspiration and creativity than anything you're going to see your computer screen.
Jim Krause wrote that you should be a human satellite that constantly scans your surroundings for ideas, concepts and different ways of approaching your problems. Take for example, the surgical team who looked to Ferrari's pit crew for ways to improve their operating room techniques, or consider the fact that the shoes some of you are wearing right now are around because of a waffle iron.
All said, it's easy to get wrapped up in the world of creative publications, bleeding-edge blogs and $800 conferences. Just remember not to limit yourself to these sources for your creativity. Don't misunderstand, the good people who put their hearts and souls into developing these engines of creativity deserve praise and pats on the back. But try this - take your eyes off the sidewalk on your way back from getting a coffee once in a while. You may be surprised by what you learn.