Verify allows you to test whether people understand your site or mockup — you can take any Notable post you have and turn it into a test to ask what your users think of it. Some examples: you can see which of two versions of the page customers prefer, how an image makes them feel, where they click on a page to accomplish a task, what they think a certain function of the site does, and more!
Did you catch the really cool part from the paragraph above? Verify and Notable are linked together, and you can access them with the same login! Just sign in to Notable, then go to Verify in the same browser and create an account. This will let you log in to both apps with the same email and password, and you'll see the green "Verify It" button next to your Notable posts.
You can click this button to send your Notable post to Verify, and ask your customers if they understand your web page or design. So sign up for Verify and try clicking that handy Verify button! If you have any questions shoot us an email at [email protected], or try the live chat function on the site.