There are several different ways you can
view the home page of your
Notable account and keep track of your posts:
You can sort your posts by the most recently active (recent notes or comments) or by the most recently captured. You can also filter your posts by who captured them: Just select "All" or "Yours" under the Captures area on the left.
Your captures have "flags" in the corners of the thumbnails that show you the status: "Raw" means it's just been captured and nothing's been done to it, "Draft" means that you have started making annotations on the post but not shared it yet, and "New" means that a new comment has been added by another user.
You can also
change the display of your posts:
- The default is a grid view that shows thumbnails of all your posts.
- You can choose a list view for an expanded look at the post and its notes.
- Or you can select the activity view showing the most recent notes or comments.
Try changing your home page view to suit your current workflow — it's a great way to stay organized and motivated!