A huge thank you for all Verify feedback that you folks have given us so far! Please keep the feedback coming. Verify is still in private release as we are working hard to gather the feedback from all of you and incorporate it into the product. Now on to the big news: We have turned on the Premium Features in Verify.
Premium features are on
We've been hard at work adding new features to Verify paid plans. Here is the summary of the cool premium features we currently have in Verify:
- You can see all of your test results
- You can customize your tests with your own logo
- You can see the demographics results report
How much do premium features cost?
As usual you can create and run Verify tests for free as you have been doing. If you'd like to use any of the premium features you'll need to try out one of these plans:
The Plus Plan lets you see the entire dataset of your report results and be able to customize the test with your own logo — it's $9 per month. You can cancel at any time.
The Premium Plan lets you see the demographics data as well as let you weigh your tests higher getting you more results faster — it's $29 per month. Again you can cancel at any time.
As we mentioned earlier your feedback helps us drive Verify forward. Got something that would help make Verify even more useful? Let us know!