Just when you thought we were done at Foundation. Just when you thought we couldn't get any better than "Lol and Order: CSS". Now we're mocking ... up your copy.
We're proud to announce, Laura Ipsum, our newest service and the latest in all your prototyping and mock-up needs. We've even hired a Laura Ipsum (what are the odds?). A 20-something with the wit to write all the Lorum Ipsum you ever wanted for your prototypes.
Totes McGoats! Lorem Ipsum is my fav!
Laura will be writing in her own unique voice, from the perspective of a 20-something living in the high-paced, high-tech world of Silicon Valley. Or is it just the Valley? Doesn't matter. It'll be words to tickle your prototype. Here's what she has to say about her new job:
Totes McGoats. ZURB is total amazeballs. So sauceome. Can't wait to do Fireball shots with the ZURBians. OMG. Right? So cray cray. Turn up, a'right. Hashtag twerksies4lyfe.
A recent graduate of Claremont High School, Laura is an expert in all things Lorem Ipsum. She was all A's in her dummy copywriting class. Here's an interesting tidbit: she can type nonsense at 100 word-per-minute. Whew! That's really fast. Only a room full of monkeys can type faster.